Thursday, August 29, 2013

Getting settled in

Yesterday was a big day here, we did it. We finally got WiFi. I can not believe how much I use the internet until I had no WiFi. But, we are good now. Also, a few people from another school were having a sale at their house since they are moving, so we stopped by to see what we could get for our place. We ended up having to take a taxi the four or five blocks home because of all the stuff we bought! Mainly just plants. We have four balconies, so I have really been wanting to put some plants out there, but they are expensive. We have great sun on the balconies so we can grow a lot. We ended up with a lot of empty pots, and dirt and a huge thing of pete moss, which Ryan was not thrilled about lugging around. We are planning on growing some veggies. Ryan, obviously the green thumb of us both, planted some tomatoes, and 2 kinds of basil. Next, we are going to look for some other veggies to grow. Ryan is looking for some ivy or other vines, I told him if it starts looking like Wrigley, I'll cut it down. :)

Last night we found a great place for gelato. It was close to the quality in Rome. I was very satisfied. I would have posted a pic if I hadn't eaten it so fast. They deliver too, we didn't deliver last night, but I imagine there will come a time....

On another note, we have obviously been paying close attention to the rhetoric about Syria. The school has been in contact with all sorts of institutions and they keep us posted. The area we are in is extremely wealthy and safe. There are a lot of police stations. The buildings are very new, and very nice, so the people there want to protect them. We have been talking to a lot of the locals, who know more about what is going on, and have been constantly assured we are in a safe neighborhood. This barber named Mike, who has been in the same store for 53 years provided a lot of insight for us. He is a great guy who cut hair in embassies all over the world. He wants us to come by for coffee some time soon.

That's all for now. Sorry no great pictures. Been in school all day. I could post pictures of all the cats that run around the school, because there are so many. I have been taking pictures of them to send to my nephew in Connecticut, Alex. It was the one thing that interested him when we facetimed the other day!

1 comment:

  1. They deliver gelato? Man, you got it good. Thanks for the update, glad to hear you're feeling safe.
